5BX @ Home

Your daily 10-minute exercise routine.


5 BX stands for Five Basic Exercises. They: 

This is a daily 10-minute HIIT workout that you can do at home at your own level of intensity.  Each section provides 3 options within the aim of the section. I'd advise that you choose a different option each time so you (I) get a varied workout over the week and (ii) avoid boredom.

You might choose to do the routine every other day or 3 or 4 days a week. The only important thing is to be consistent. What I do is make a cup of tea and then do the routine. By the time I've finished, the tea is at drinking temperature and I'm ready for it!

You'll need the Exercise Instructions which you can download below as a printable pdf file and the Timing File which you can also download below which is an mp3 file that you can play on your mobile device or computer.

Exercise Instructions 

(Click on the link, it will open in a new window and then save from there.)

There are 5 exercises for muscle groups and three choices within each group. You can choose which exercise from each group and customise your own workout or choose a different set each day to maintain variety.

5BX @ Home exercise sheet

Timing File 

(Click on the link, it will open in a new window and then save from there.)

5BX @ Home Timing File